Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA
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Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA
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Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 With 6BA

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Plant Growth Regulator - Use of Gibberlic Acid 4 & 7 with 6BA will increase the crop yield to the next level which cannot be achieved by normal bio stimulants.

Hango is designed by us on the basic principle that plant hormones influence almost all aspects of proper growth. If plant hormones do not function optimally, the plant will never reach its original growth potential resulting in poor growth and production. We have studied in depth how plant hormones work and the science behind them and how they can be better managed to achieve better growth and highest yields.

Hango effectively regulates the biosynthesis of key hormones that stimulate root growth. Plant root development is important because plant hormones are present in the root tips. Therefore, continuous root tip growth is essential at all stages of development; Germination, vegetative growth, flowering, reproduction, fruit formation and maturation.

  • It manages internal temperature of the plant to induce uniform flowering even in adverse environmental conditions.
  • Better Fruit set across varieties / crops in orchards/ farms.
  • Early elongation initiated at fruit setting stage.
  • Crop Load adjustment in plants through automatic thinning.
  • Controlling Fruit ressuting (Rusting).
  • Improve Fruit Development, Size, Shape, Colour, Fruit fill & Typiness (elongation)
  • Increases yield by 20-35%.
  • Improves post-harvest storage life of fruits & vegetables
  • Is a natural product, easy to handle, safe to the user and to the environment.

Additional Information:

  • Item Code: DBSCHANGO
  • Production Capacity: 500
  • Delivery Time: 1week
  • Packaging Details: 100g , 250g,500ml,1liter
Packaging Size 1 L
Form Liquid
Packaging Type Bottle
Color White
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade
Target Crops Fruits
Brand Daksh BioSciences India
Shelf Life 6 months
Dosage 1. 200ml /200 Liter water for Delicious Verities of Apples
Country of Origin Made in India

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